Sayed Hashimi

213-140 The Esplanade Toronto, Ontario, M5A 4P5

Email : mojeeb24 at   Tel: (416) 



                    To obtain a position as a Technical Service Representative, where strong analytical, programming, organizational and problem solving skills are required.



1999 - 2003      Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Mathematics
University of Toronto


I have excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical, troubleshooting and organizational skills.  Have Ability to deal with people in a tactful and effective manner.  Have ability to explain technical concepts to a wide variety of non-technical users.  Have ability to handle and prioritize a high volume of demands from clients under pressure. Have ability to exercise initiative and attention to detail.  Lastly I have the ability to work effectively both independently and as a member of a team.


Summary of Qualifications


Software Dev.

Web Applications

Database Systems



Java (3 yrs)

HTML (5 yr)

PL/SQL (2 yr)

MS Word  (5 yrs)

Windows 9x (8 yrs)

C++ (2 yrs)

Java Script (4 yr)

MS SQL-Server (<1 yr)

MS Excel  (2 yrs)

Windows 2000 ( 3 yrs)

C ( 2 yrs)

XML (<1 yr)

MS Access (3 yrs)

MS Outlook  ( 2 yrs)

Linux – Redhat ( 3 yrs)

Scheme (1 yr)

Perl & CGI (1 yr)

MySQL (3 yr)

FrontPage ( 5 yrs)

UNIX – Solaris ( 3 yrs)

Prolog (1 yr)

Java Servlets/Jsp (<1 yr)

DB2 ( 1 yr)

Swish ( 2 yrs)

Apple Macintosh (1 yr)

Visual Basic (<1 yr)

ASP (2 yr)


DreamWeaver (1 yr)

MS-DOS ( 1 yr)

Unix script ( 1 yr)

CSS (<1 yr)


Corel Draw (< 3 yr)

CodeWarrior ( 3 yrs)


PHP (<1 yr)


Flash ( 3 yr)

Microsoft Visual C++ (1 yr)



2006-Present  System Analyst - RBC Dexia (

                  ·         To be updated

2004-2006      Technology Consultant - Staples/Business Depot

                  ·         Exceptional customer service and salesmanship

                  ·         To be updated

2001-Present    CompVisit - Computer Support and Consultant

·         Exceptional customer service and salesmanship

·         Supervise and train associates in business machine and computer departments

·         Conduct cycle counts as well as daily out-of-stack walks

·         Conduct regular in-store training sessions to ensure that all department
associates progress through the Business machines and computers chart within
months of their start date.

·         Participate in hiring of department Associates

·         Responsible for drafting and providing Corporate and personal quotes on systems
and related products

1999-Present   Web Admin and Developer (

·         Using HTML, ASP, PHP, SQL, Flash, Swish, JavaScript, PhotoShop, Acrobat

·         Apache server, IIS, MySQL Server

·         Web development tools such as Macromedia DreamWeaver, Fireworks, Flash, FrontPage Express, and MySQL Database server, and Corel Draw

·         Custom made a database using DB1/DB2/MySQL, ASP (active server pages) and PHP which allowed users to add, delete, search, and query on a web

·         Administrate TCP/IP local area networks using Windows 2000 advance server (Windows NT server)

2000-2003   Tutor, University of Toronto, (Toronto Area)

·         Private tutored university students in Java, C, & C++ programming

1997-1998               Calculus/Algebra /Finite Tutor, Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute

·         Math Tutor for students from grade 9 to13, mostly Calculus/Algebra /Finite


2003-2004                Webmaster  of Afghan Students Association at University of Toronto

                        Design, Maintenance and updates


·         XML, XSL, XHTML, Java, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, SQL – Online Grocery Store             

Project involved building a website for an online grocery store.  The site provided users with the ability to browse for products by category and manufacturer, and search for specific products, and place orders.  The website displayed a “shopping cart”, which kept a running total of the user's orders, and allowed for the addition and deletion of products. When the user clicks the “checkout” button, it prompts for shipping and payment information, generating a printable webpage containing the order information. This site was maintained on Client-side. The project was then re-implemented using server-side technologies. Then further re-implementation of the project was done using Java Servlets and Pointbase relational database management system


·         Java - Enigma Machine

Programmed an enigma machine consisting of five nearly independent cipher machines, working together to cipher and decipher a message.  Project involved extensive familiarization with Java; object oriented programming; data encryption and decryption; programming inheritance; black box and white box testing


·         Prolog - Railway Management System

Developed a program for route finding, which was a component of a railway management system. This program enabled users to find the routes on any railway management system, as well as the shortest and fastest paths between cities.  Project thoroughly covered Prolog programming and recursion with extensions to black and white box testing

·    Sports (Chess, Weight lifting, Swimming, Soccer, Martial arts, Table Tennis, Tennis, Pool), Movies, Computer technology


Doc format  Resume    , Rich text document format Resume, Html Printable format Resume
My resume on yahoo